Parent, Adult, Child states stimulated by
Since I am a therapist and the mother of 2 daughters (both adults, thank heaven! Whether they know it or not...LOL), here's a bit of information about how some therapists (Transactional Analysts) look at these various selves within us. This comes from the 70's Eric Bernes' book, Games People Play.
Transactional Analysis. I don't think I'd be the person I am today without that knowledge.
Transactional Analysis, shortened to TA, held the theory that all of us have the following 'ego states' inside of us; the Free Child, the Adaptive Child, the Adult, the Loving Parent, and finally the Critical Parent.The free child state is the creative, fun, feeling state, the joyful, laughing and crying state, our emotions; the Adaptive Child state is the one that is the good girl/boy, the one who wants to adapt, to fit in, be a part of the group/the family; the Adult self is the part that is 'Just the Facts, ma'am', no emotion, no judgement; the loving parent is the part of us that forgives our mistakes, is kind to ourselves and others, is supportive of ourselves and others, is generous and loving; and the Critical Parent is just that--critical and/or abusive to ourselves and others.
Of course, all of us have these states, even your partners, girlfriends/boyfriends, children, bosses, relatives, etc., don't forget. And it gets complicated in any relationships when one of their states is in conflict with the state you happen to be in at that moment. But more another time.