Thursday, June 14, 2007

Connecting With Others: My Other Life Purpose

One of my favorite things to do in the world, some kind of unconscious Purpose in life is finding and sharing resources with other people. When I find something I'm interested in, I like to share it with others.

I do that in my job on the San Diego Crisis Hotline by building a resource list that other clinicians on the line can access through our shared drive and it can be updated instantly, not like a piece of paper. I have been working on it for 8.9 years and it is over 267 pages long in a Word.doc. That makes it easy to search.

But here, today, I want to recommend a new blog,
Crosses to Bear a delightful new blog by the mother of a blog-buddy of mine, Melissa who writes Domestic Irritation. Both of them are very excellent writers! Crosses to Bear is written by a mature, Southern Woman, spelled with a capital S and W! Check her blog out!


SurvivorGirlNet said...

What a treat to be recommended by another blogger, especially one who is such an entertaining writer herself! I am fairly new to this blogging stuff and I appreciate your boost of confidence. It's fun to know that someone else is really reading your stuff!

Sassy63 said...

Thank you so much, Mumsydoodle!! I am honored!! And thank you for linking to my site on your site!