Sunday, June 03, 2007


Gratitude is one of my favorite emotional states. I have learned, though, that I must put myself in there consciously--it's not an automatic place for me to go.

Okay, here's what I'm grateful for, not necessarily in this order, of course:

My terrific, funny, mature husband, Jack.
He is smart, lively, funny, sexy, charming, a facilitator, well-organized, thoughtful, a great listener (when he tunes himself in), a loving man. I say I was looking for him my whole life, but in fact I didn't really know that until I found him. We lived together for 5 years and then decided to really commit to each other in March, 2007. It was scary for both of us because we had both been married before and didn't want to ruin a good thing.

I could go on and on about the things I really love about him, but let me just say this--he washes and folds my clothes like they do in the army--which he was in, once upon a time. I don't think my mother even folded my clothes. The first time he did that, I was stunned! Folded my clothes!! Like T-shirts, nightgowns, undies, etc. I told him he didn't have to do that, he said he was just doing the laundry! Wow!

I told him he could have saved all that money taking me out to lovely, expensive restaurants and just washed and folded my clothes and it would have had the same impact on me--I was hooked!

That's not the only great thing about him, just more stories later...on to the other Woo-hoos:

I have two grown daughters! That is a true miracle!
My oldest daughter, Angela:
I was 18 when I had the first one and she even turned out just fine. In fact, pretty darn great, if I do say so myself. I say that we grew up together and she turned out to be a terrific mother, loving, devoted. She has two daughters of her own that are somethin' else!

My youngest daughter, Natasha:
She had a slightly better chance since I was 28 when I had her. She is a character and an artist. A photographer. I used to marvel at her because she seemed to have a strong sense of herself at a very young age. She is happily married, but no children, even after 11 or so years of marriage.

Woo-hoo!! for my blog-friend Melissa - Without her encouragement, this blog would have probably died. She is an excellent and funny writer!

Woo-hoo for my health, for having had DCIS breast cancer that does not spread, for having good medical insurance, and good medical care, although there were times when I needed to speak up--Woo-hoo for my ability to speak up.

Boy, once I get going on these blogs, I really get going. I guess I have a lot to say. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do! What are your delights? Your Woo-hoos?


Melissa said...

That is so funny about Jack! Forget expensive dinners--just fold my laundry. Most guys don't realize just how easy (and cheap) good women really are. As you know, I'm grateful for my book-reading, litter-box changing hubby. Along with my supportive Mom and fun little girls. I agree that for some reason, most of uf have to remember to be grateful. That's for helping us remember!

SurvivorGirlNet said...

You are such a beautiful person! I just had to write a quick note to tell you that I, too, know the value of being thankful for the good things in our lives. My husband also folds my clothes (we are truly blessed, aren't we?) and I, too, have a wonderful daughter (Melissa, the author of!) and two delightful granddaughters. Keep on writing. I enjoy your posts very, very much.

Sassy63 said...

Gee, how great--two comments in one day!! I love your comments! Made my day, actually. I read them to my Jack since they related to him. Next time he folds clothes, I'm going to take a picture and put it up next to this post, like Melissa does.

Do you have a blog, mumsydoodle? I'd love to read what you have to say--us "mature" women need to get our voices out there, don't you think?

Also, Melissa, I'd recommend you sign on to if you haven't already.

Thanks for your support and encouragement, you two!! I do so love reading your, Melissa!